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The key job design problem is still Taylorism


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I started writing about job design in 1947-in an anonymous teaching case. This early "case" will help mightily in making the point that the big problem with job design is still Taylorism, in a updated form. My 1947 case was published in Glover and Hower (1948). It is reproduced in its entirety below for the first time under my name. In the specified case I am "Jim McFee". Since we started teaching this case in 1948 for the first of probably 10 years in the required course Administrative Practices to all HBS MBA's, our teaching group had to keep its author a secret so I could teach it. Of course, now it does not matter, and it is essential to making my point in this paper. I will comment on this case later, in the light of my discussion below of the work I did with Arthur Turner (Turner & Lawrence, 1965) and with Nitin Nohria (Lawrence & Nohria, 2002).
机译:我从1947年开始在一个匿名的教学案例中撰写有关工作设计的文章。早期的“案例”将有力地说明工作设计的最大问题仍然是泰勒主义,其形式已经更新。我的1947年案例发表在Glover and Hower(1948)中。下面以我的名字第一次全文复制。在指定的情况下,我是“ Jim McFee”。自从我们于1948年开始在所有HBS MBA的必修课程“行政管理实践”课程中讲授此案例以来的大约十年中,我们的教学小组必须将其作者保密,以便我教书。当然,现在无所谓了,这对于在本文中阐明我的观点至关重要。稍后,我将根据下面对我与亚瑟·特纳(Arthur Turner,Turner&Lawrence,1965年)和尼丁·诺里亚(Nitin Nohria,Lawrence&Nohria,2002年)所做工作的讨论,对本案进行评论。



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