首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Nuclear Materials Management >Inferring the Operational Status of Nuclear Facilities with Convolutional Neural Networks to Support International Safeguards Verification

Inferring the Operational Status of Nuclear Facilities with Convolutional Neural Networks to Support International Safeguards Verification


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International nuclear safeguards analysts use images in myriadways to support verification analysis tasks, from analyzing the designand construction of a facility to understanding the scope andcapacity of work performed therein. Potentially relevant groundbasedimagery from open sources has increased significantlyin the past 10 years as individual users with smart phones havebecome “citizen sensors,” posting geolocated content to socialmedia platforms in near real-time. While this is an exciting newsource of data for analysts, it is impractical to review unaided. Theauthors use machine learning to make image search and prioritizationmore efficient for safeguards analysts in three potentialworkflows. In this paper, the authors demonstrate the successfuluse of cooling towers and steam plumes as a signature that canindicate a facility’s operational status and describe a convolutionalneural network modeling approach that yields over 90 percentaccuracy for identification of cooling towers and steam plumesfrom open source ground-based images.
机译:从分析设施的设计和构造到了解其中执行的工作的范围和能力,国际核保障分析人员始终使用大量图像来支持验证分析任务。在过去的十年中,由于使用智能手机的个人用户已成为“公民传感器”,将地理定位的内容几乎实时地发布到了社交媒体平台中,来自开源的潜在相关地面图像 r n显着增加 r n -时间。虽然这对于分析人员来说是令人兴奋的新数据来源,但独立进行审查是不切实际的。作者使用机器学习使图像搜索和优先级排序更加有效,从而使安全分析人员可以在三个潜在的工作流程中使用。在本文中,作者展示了冷却塔和蒸汽羽流的成功使用,这些信号可以指示设施的运行状态,并描述了卷积神经网络建模方法,该方法可以产生超过90%的收益。 从开源的地面图像中识别冷却塔和蒸汽羽流的准确性 r n。



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