首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of North African Studies >Moroccan independent power producers - African pioneers

Moroccan independent power producers - African pioneers


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This paper tells the story of Morocco's three independent power projects (IPPs), which were developed between 1994 and 2005. The three projects are very different in nature. Through the first project, the country placed nearly two-thirds of Morocco's electricity production in the hands of private producers, the Jorf Lasfar Energy Company - presently Africa's largest IPP. The second project, Compagnie Eolienne de Detroit (CED), brought about further diversification of the electricity production mix by harnessing Morocco's wind energy potential; CED is also a record setter in that it represents the first wind farm in Africa that is entirely privately financed. Energie Electrique de Tahaddart (EET), the third IPP, served to introduce the first combined cycle gas plant to Morocco, which is fuelled from the pipeline that delivers Algerian gas to Spain. Another outstanding feature of EET is that the majority of project financing was sourced from local Moroccan banks. Among the key elements that explain project successes are that the Moroccan dirham has remained relatively stable in a low inflation environment since the inception of the contracts, and, in the case of EET, charges are significantly shielded from foreign currency risks.
机译:本文讲述了摩洛哥在1994年至2005年之间开发的三个独立电力项目(IPP)的故事。这三个项目的性质迥然不同。通过第一个项目,该国将摩洛哥电力生产的近三分之二交给了私营生产商约夫·拉斯法尔能源公司(Jorf Lasfar Energy Company),该公司目前是非洲最大的IPP。第二个项目是底特律Compagnie Eolienne de Detroit(CED),它利用摩洛哥的风能潜力进一步实现了电力生产结构的多元化。 CED也是创纪录的,因为它代表了非洲第一个完全由私人融资的风电场。第三位IPP的Energie Electrique de Tahaddart(EET)致力于向摩洛哥引进第一座联合循环天然气工厂,该工厂是通过将阿尔及利亚天然气输送到西班牙的管道提供燃料的。 EET的另一个突出特点是,大部分项目融资均来自当地的摩洛哥银行。解释项目成功的关键因素之一是,自合同签订以来,摩洛哥迪拉姆在低通货膨胀的环境中一直保持相对稳定,而就EET而言,费用可以明显地避免外汇风险。



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