首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nano research >The Conservation of an Egyptian Coptic Fresco Painting from Saint Jeremiah Monastery: The Use of Nano-Materials in Cleaning and Consolidation

The Conservation of an Egyptian Coptic Fresco Painting from Saint Jeremiah Monastery: The Use of Nano-Materials in Cleaning and Consolidation


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In the present article we report a study on using microemulsion contains triton 100 to clean the surface of the wall paintings in saint Jeremiah monastery in Saqqara (4th century), Being these systems mainly composed of water (more than 80% by weight), it is using in a poultice or when the microemulsion added to the nano gel to improve it's performance, Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FTIR), and The consolidation by nano lime dispersed in ethanol is used by brushing through Japanese paper and injecting the cracks
机译:在本文中,我们报道了一项关于使用含Triton 100的微乳液来清洁Saqqara(4世纪)圣耶利米修道院的壁画表面的研究,由于这些系统主要由水(占重量的80%以上)组成,用于膏药中或将微乳液添加到纳米凝胶中以改善其性能时,使用傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR),并通过刷日本纸和注入裂纹来使用分散在乙醇中的纳米石灰进行固结。



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