首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility >Sarcomeric visco-elasticity of chemically skinned skeletal muscle fibres of the rabbit at rest

Sarcomeric visco-elasticity of chemically skinned skeletal muscle fibres of the rabbit at rest


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The giant muscle protein titin (connectin), contained in the gap filament that connect a thick filament to the Z-line in a sarcomere, is generally considered to be responsible for the passive force (tension) and visco-elasticity in resting striated muscle. However, whether it can account for all the features of the resting tension response remains unclear. In this paper, we examine the basic features of the ‘sarcomeric visco-elasticity’ in a single resting mammalian muscle fibre and attempt to account for various tension components on the basis of known structural features of a sarcomere. At sarcomere length of ∼2.6 μm, the force response to a ramp stretch of 2–5% is complex but can be resolved into four functionally different components. The behaviour displayed by the components ranges from pure viscous type (directly proportional to stretch velocity, ranging from 0.1 to 30 lengths s−1) to predominantly elastic type (insensitive to stretch velocity at 1–2 s time scale); simulations show two components of visco-elasticity with characteristically different relaxation times. The velocity-sensitive components (only) are enhanced by filament lattice compression (dextran – 500 kD) and by increased medium viscosity (dextran – 12 kD); also, the relaxation time of visco-elasticity is longer with increased medium viscosity. Amplitude of all the components and the relaxation time of visco-elasticity are increased at longer sarcomere length (range ∼2.5 – 3.0 μm). The study, and quantitative analyses, extend our previous work on intact muscle fibres and suggest that the velocity-sensitive tension components in intact sarcomere arise from interactions between sarcomeric filaments, filament segments and inter-filamentary medium; the two components of visco-elasticity arise from distinct regions of titin (connectin) molecules.
机译:间隙细丝中包含的粗大肌蛋白(connectin)将细丝连接至肌节的Z线,通常被认为是静息横纹肌的被动力(张力)和粘弹性的原因。然而,是否能够解决静息张力反应的所有特征仍不清楚。在本文中,我们研究了单根静止的哺乳动物肌肉纤维中“肌节粘弹性”的基本特征,并尝试根据肌节的已知结构特征解释各种张力成分。在肌节长度约为2.6μm时,对2–5%的斜面拉伸的力响应很复杂,但可以分解为四个功能上不同的组件。组件显示的行为范围从纯粘性类型(与拉伸速度成正比,范围从0.1到30个长度s-1 )到主要是弹性类型(对1-2 s时标的拉伸速度不敏感);模拟显示了粘弹性的两个分量,其特征在于弛豫时间不同。速度敏感性成分(仅)通过细丝晶格压缩(右旋糖酐-500 kD)和增加的中等粘度(右旋糖酐-12 kD)得到增强;同样,随着中等粘度的增加,粘弹性的松弛时间更长。在较长的肌节长度(范围为〜2.5 – 3.0μm)下,所有成分的振幅和粘弹性的松弛时间都会增加。这项研究和定量分析扩展了我们先前对完整肌纤维的研究,并提出完整肌节中对速度敏感的张力成分是由肌节细丝,细丝片段和丝间介质之间的相互作用引起的。粘弹性的两个成分来自于titin(connectin)分子的不同区域。



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