首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Multinational Financial Management >The impact of social and environmental sustainability on financial performance: A global analysis of the banking sector

The impact of social and environmental sustainability on financial performance: A global analysis of the banking sector


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While there is ample evidence that non-financial firms financial performance and social and environmental performance are related, evidence for the banking sector remains limited and inconclusive. This paper examines the impact of access to finance and environmental financing on the financial performance of the banking sector globally. Based on cross-sectional linear regressions and non-linear threshold regressions of 713 banks from 75 countries over the period 2013-2015, we find that access to finance has significantly positive effects on banks financial performance in most estimation models controlling for both bank-specific and macroeconomic variables. The positive impact on financial performance is channeled through loan growth and management quality. We find that for banks with total assets less than USD 2 billion, access to finance has a significantly positive impact on return to equity. The paper concludes by discussing policy implications. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:尽管有充分的证据表明非金融公司的财务绩效与社会和环境绩效相关,但银行业的证据仍然有限且无定论。本文研究了获得金融和环境融资对全球银行业财务业绩的影响。根据2013-2015年期间来自75个国家/地区的713家银行的横截面线性回归和非线性阈值回归,我们发现在大多数同时控制特定银行和特定于银行的估计模型中,获得融资对银行的财务绩效具有显着的正向影响和宏观经济变量。对财务业绩的积极影响通过贷款增长和管理质量来体现。我们发现,对于总资产少于20亿美元的银行,获得融资对股权收益具有显着的积极影响。本文最后讨论了政策含义。 (C)2019 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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