首页> 外文期刊>Journal on multimodal user interfaces >Affect recognition for interactive companions: challenges and design in real world scenarios

Affect recognition for interactive companions: challenges and design in real world scenarios


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Affect sensitivity is an important requirement for artificial companions to be capable of engaging in social interaction with human users. This paper provides a general overview of some of the issues arising from the design of an affect recognition framework for artificial companions. Limitations and challenges are discussed with respect to other capabilities of companions and a real world scenario where an iCat robot plays chess with children is presented. In this scenario, affective states that a robot companion should be able to recognise are identified and the non-verbal behaviours that are affected by the occurrence of these states in the children are investigated. The experimental results aim to provide the foundation for the design of an affect recognition system for a game companion: in this interaction scenario children tend to look at the iCat and smile more when they experience a positive feeling and they are engaged with the iCat.



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