首页> 外文期刊>Journal of multicultural discourses >Landscape in Language: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Culture and Language Use 4

Landscape in Language: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Culture and Language Use 4


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The relevance of philosophical conceptions of landscape cross-culturally and the embeddedness of language in the human and natural world is the focus of the volume under review. The 21 chapters in this well composed and intelligently edited edition provide ample evidence of where certain modern priorities in anthropological linguistics lie and how contemporary authors attempt to tackle complex phenomena dealing with more intricate aspects of language in landscape and landscape in language research. Ethnophysiography, or the "linguistics of landscape" (p. 3), differs from studies of the 'linguistic landscape' (e.g. Shohamy & Gorter 2009) by considering landscape terms and categories, toponyms and the cultural and spiritual significance of places in relation to cross-cultural and cross-linguistic differences. It was initiated in 2002 by David Mark and Andrew Turk and is defined as "the study of differences in the way languages use generic terms and proper names (toponyms) for landscape features" (p. 25). This research perspective draws all the chapters together epistemologically.
机译:跨文化的景观哲学概念的相关性以及语言在人类和自然世界中的嵌入性是本文综述的重点。本书结构合理,编辑精巧,共21章,为人类学语言学的某些现代优先重点在何处以及当代作者如何尝试处理涉及景观中语言复杂性的复杂现象和语言研究中的景观提供了充分的证据。民族生理学或“景观语言学”(第3页)与“语言景观”的研究(例如Shohamy&Gorter 2009)有所不同,它考虑了景观术语和类别,地名以及与之相关的场所的文化和精神意义跨文化和跨语言的差异。它是由David Mark和Andrew Turk于2002年发起的,被定义为“研究语言对景观特征使用通用术语和专有名称(地名)的方式的差异”(第25页)。该研究视角从认识论的角度将所有章节都汇集在一起​​。



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