首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Modeling >Molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy analysis of DNA minor groove complexes of curcumin

Molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy analysis of DNA minor groove complexes of curcumin


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Curcumin is a natural phytochemical that exhibits a wide range of pharmacological properties, including antitumor and anticancer activities. The similarity in the shape of curcumin to DNA minor groove binding drugs is the motivation for exploring its binding affinity in the minor grooves of DNA sequences. Interactions of curcumin with DNA have not been extensively examined, while its pharmacological activities have been studied and documented in depth. Curcumin was docked with two DNA duplexes, d(GTATATAC)2 and d(CGCGATATCGCG)2, and molecular dynamics simulations of the complexes were performed in explicit solvent to determine the stability of the binding. In all systems, the curcumin is positioned in the minor groove in the A·T region, and was stably bound throughout the simulation, causing only minor modifications to the structural parameters of DNA. Water molecules were found to contribute to the stability of the binding of the ligand. Free energy analyses of the complexes were performed with MM-PBSA, and the binding affinities that were calculated are comparable to the values reported for other similar nucleic acid–ligand systems, indicating that curcumin is a suitable natural molecule for the development of minor groove binding drugs.
机译:姜黄素是一种天然植物化学物质,具有多种药理特性,包括抗肿瘤和抗癌活性。姜黄素形状与DNA小沟结合药物的相似性是探索其在DNA序列小沟中结合亲和力的动机。姜黄素与DNA的相互作用尚未得到广泛研究,但其药理活性已得到深入研究和记录。姜黄素与d(GTATATAC) 2 和d(CGCGATATCGCG) 2 这两个DNA双链体对接,并在显式溶剂中进行了复合物的分子动力学模拟,以确定其稳定性。的绑定。在所有系统中,姜黄素均位于A·T区的小沟中,并在整个模拟过程中稳定结合,仅对DNA的结构参数进行了微小修饰。发现水分子有助于配体结合的稳定性。使用MM-PBSA对复合物进行自由能分析,计算的结合亲和力与其他类似的核酸-配体系统报道的值相当,表明姜黄素是发展小沟结合的合适天然分子毒品。



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