首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Modeling >Predicting functional residues of the Solanum lycopersicum aspartic protease inhibitor (SLAPI) by combining sequence and structural analysis with molecular docking

Predicting functional residues of the Solanum lycopersicum aspartic protease inhibitor (SLAPI) by combining sequence and structural analysis with molecular docking


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The Solanum lycopersicum aspartic protease inhibitor (SLAPI), which belongs to the STI-Kunitz family, is an effective inhibitor of the aspartic proteases human cathepsin D and Saccharomyces proteinase A. However, in contrast with the large number of studies on the inhibition mechanism of the serine proteases by the STI-Kunitz inhibitors, the structural aspects of the inhibition mechanism of aspartic proteases from this family of inhibitors are poorly understood. In the present study, we have combined sequence and structural analysis methods with protein-protein docking to gain a better understanding of the SLAPI inhibition mechanism of the proteinase A. The results suggest that: i) SLAPI loop L9 may be involved in the inhibitor interaction with the proteinase A´s active site, and ii) the residues I144, V148, L149, P151, F152 and R154 are implicated in the difference in the potency shown previously by SLAPI and another STI-Kunitz inhibitor isolated from Solanum tuberosum to inhibit proteinase A. These results will be useful in the design of site directed mutagenesis experiments to understand more thoroughly the aspartic protease inhibition mechanism of SLAPI and other related STI-Kunitz inhibitors.
机译:属于STI-Kunitz家族的lyolapersicum天冬氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(SLAPI)是有效的天冬氨酸蛋白酶人类组织蛋白酶D和酿酒酵母蛋白酶A的抑制剂。 STI-Kunitz抑制剂对丝氨酸蛋白酶的抑制作用,对该抑制剂家族的天冬氨酸蛋白酶抑制机制的结构方面了解甚少。在本研究中,我们将序列和结构分析方法与蛋白质-蛋白质对接相结合,以更好地理解蛋白酶A的SLAPI抑制机制。结果表明:i)SLAPI环L9可能参与了抑制剂的相互作用具有蛋白酶A的活性位点,并且ii)残基I144,V148,L149,P151,F152和R154与SLAPI和从马铃薯中分离出的另一种STI-Kunitz抑制剂先前显示的抑制蛋白酶的效力不同有关答:这些结果将有助于定点诱变实验的设计,以更彻底地了解SLAPI和其他相关STI-Kunitz抑制剂的天冬氨酸蛋白酶抑制机制。



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