首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Evolution >Evolution of a Unique Mitotype-Specific Protein-Coding Extension of the Cytochrome c Oxidase II Gene in Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)

Evolution of a Unique Mitotype-Specific Protein-Coding Extension of the Cytochrome c Oxidase II Gene in Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)


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A unique mode of mitochondrial DNA inheritance, designated doubly-uniparental inheritance (DUI), occurs in three bivalve subclasses (Pteriomorpha: Mytiloida, Palaeoheterodonta: Unionoida, Heterodonta: Veneroida), indicating that DUI may be a widespread phenomenon among bivalves. In mytiloids, breakdown of this pattern of inheritance (gender-switching) is observed in natural populations and in a phylogenetic context. In contrast, gender-switching has not occurred during the evolutionary history of unionoids. Here we present sequences for the male (M) and female (F) mitotypes from an additional 8 species of Unionoida. Consistent with previous observations, the M and F mitotypes of all species form reciprocally monophyletic clades supporting the hypothesis of taxon-specific rates of gender-switching. Coinciding with the absence of gender-switching is an ≈185 codon extension of the cytochrome c oxidase II (MTCO2) locus in the male genome. The extension is present in all 12 unionoid species examined, including a representative of the family Margaritiferidae, indicating that this protein-coding polymorphism originated ≥ 200 MYBP. Although the extension is well conserved in length among 11 of the 12 species, one taxon has a significantly shortened extension. Lastly, examination of the rates and patterns of substitution indicate that the extension is evolving under relaxed purging selection, a pattern inconsistent with the conserved nature of MTCO2 or any cytochrome c oxidase locus.
机译:线粒体DNA遗传的独特模式称为双单亲遗传(DUI),它发生在三个双壳类亚类中(蝶形目:Mytiloida,古动物异形体:Unionoida,异形齿形体:Veneroida),这表明DUI可能是双壳类动物中的一种普遍现象。在类蛋白体中,这种遗传模式(性别转换)的分解在自然种群中和在系统发育的背景下都可以观察到。相反,在类胚体的进化史上并未发生性别转换。在这里,我们介绍了来自另外8种Unionoida的雄性(M)和雌性(F)原型的序列。与以前的观察结果一致,所有物种的M和F型都形成了相互的单系进化枝,支持了分类群特异性性别转换率的假设。与此不相关的是男性基因组中细胞色素C氧化酶II(MTCO2)基因座的≈185密码子延伸。该延伸存在于所检查的所有12种工会样物种中,包括玛格丽特科的一个代表,表明这种编码蛋白质的多态性起源于≥200 MYBP。尽管在12个物种中的11个物种中,扩展名的长度保存得很好,但一个分类单元的扩展名却大大缩短了。最后,对取代速率和模式的检查表明,该扩展在宽松的清除选择下不断发展,这种模式与MTCO2或任何细胞色素C氧化酶基因座的保守性质不一致。



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