首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy >Coupled Simulation of an Electromagnetic Heating Process Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method

Coupled Simulation of an Electromagnetic Heating Process Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method


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Due to the complexity of interactions between microwaves and food products, a reliable and efficient simulation model can be a very useful tool to guide the design of microwave heating systems and processes. This research developed a model to simulate coupled phenomena of electromagnetic heating and conventional heat transfer by combining commercial electromagnetic software with a customer built heat transfer model. Simulation results were presented and compared with experimental results for hot water and microwave heating in a single mode microwave system at 915 MHz. Good agreement was achieved, showing that this model was able to provide insight into industrial electromagnetic heating processes.
机译:由于微波与食品之间相互作用的复杂性,可靠而有效的仿真模型可能是指导微波加热系统和过程设计的非常有用的工具。这项研究开发了一个模型,通过将商业电磁软件与客户建立的传热模型相结合来模拟电磁加热和常规传热的耦合现象。给出了仿真结果,并将其与915 MHz单模微波系统中热水和微波加热的实验结果进行了比较。达成了良好的协议,表明该模型能够深入了解工业电磁加热过程。



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