首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Food >Toxicological Evaluation of Fucoidan from Cladosiphon okamuranus

Toxicological Evaluation of Fucoidan from Cladosiphon okamuranus


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Fucoidans are sulfated polysaccharides extracted from brown seaweeds. They have a wide spectrum of activity in biological systems. Besides their well-known anticoagulant and anti-thrombotic activity, fucoidans modulate inflammation, possess antiproliferative and anti-adhesive effects on cells, protect cells from viral infection, and interfere with mammalian fertilization. Fucoidans are now used as raw material for development of drugs and are also widely used as a health-promoting food component. However, studies on the toxicity of fucoidans from different brown algae are limited. The present study examined the acute toxicity of varying levels of fucoidan extracted from Okinawa mozuku, a brown alga (Cladosiphon okamuranus), in Wistar rats after oral administration. No significant toxicological changes were induced by fucoidan at a dose of 600 mg/kg of body weight/day. However, with concentrations at and above 1,200 mg/kg of body weight/day, clotting time was significantly prolonged. No other signs of toxicity were observed
机译:褐藻多糖是从褐藻中提取的硫酸化多糖。它们在生物系统中具有广泛的活性。岩藻依聚糖除了具有众所周知的抗凝血和抗血栓形成作用外,还可以调节炎症,对细胞具有抗增殖和抗黏附作用,保护细胞免受病毒感染并干扰哺乳动物的受精。岩藻依聚糖现在被用作药物开发的原料,也被广泛用作促进健康的食品成分。然而,关于来自不同褐藻的岩藻依聚糖的毒性的研究是有限的。本研究研究了口服给药后从Wistar大鼠(一种褐藻(Cladosiphon okamuranus))中提取的不同含量的岩藻依聚糖对冲动大鼠的急性毒性。岩藻依聚糖在600 mg / kg体重/天的剂量下未引起明显的毒理学变化。但是,当浓度达到或超过1,200 mg / kg体重/天时,凝血时间将大大延长。没有观察到其他毒性迹象



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