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Assessing the Sensibility of Two Clinical Decision Support Systems


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Clinicians in Emergency Medicine (EM) are increasingly exposed to guidelines and treatment recommendations. To help access and recall these recommendations, electronic Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) have been developed. This study examined the use and sensibility of two CDSS designed for emergency physicians. CDDS for community acquired pneumonia (CAP) and neutropenic fever (NF) were developed by multi-disciplinary teams and have been accessed via an intranet-based homepage (eCPG©) for several years. Sensibility is a term coined by Feinstein that describes common sense aspects of a survey instrument. It was modified by emergency researchers to include four main headings: (1) Appropriateness; (2) Objectivity; (3) Content; and (4) Discriminative Power. Sensibility surveys were developed using an iterative approach for both the CAP and NF CDSS and distributed to all 25 emergency physicians at one Canadian site. The overall response rate was 88%. Respondents were 88% male and 83% were less than 40; all were attending EM physicians with specialty designations. A number reported never having used the CAP (21%) or NF (33%) CDSS; 54% (CAP) and 21% (NF) of respondents had used the respective CDSS less than 10 times. Overall, both CDSS were rated highly by users with a mean response of 4.95 (SD 0.56) for CAP and 5.62 (SD 0.62) for NF on a seven-point Likert scale. The majority or respondents (CAP 59%, NF 80%) felt that the NF CDSS was more likely than the CAP CDSS to decrease the chances of making a medical error in medication dose, antibiotic choice or patient disposition (4.61 vs. 5.81, p = 0.008). Despite being in place for several years, CDSS for CAP and NF are not used by all EM clinicians. Users were generally satisfied with the CDSS and felt that the NF was more likely than the CAP CDSS to decrease medical errors. Additional research is required to determine the barriers to CDSS use.
机译:急诊医学(EM)的临床医生越来越多地接触到指南和治疗建议。为了帮助获得和回顾这些建议,已经开发了电子临床决策支持系统(CDSS)。这项研究检查了两种专为急诊医师设计的CDSS的用途和敏感性。由多学科团队开发的用于社区获得性肺炎(CAP)和中性粒细胞减少热(NF)的CDDS已经通过基于Intranet的主页(eCPG©)进行了访问。敏感性是Feinstein创造的一个术语,描述了调查工具的常识方面。紧急研究人员对它进行了修改,使其包括四个主要标题:(1)适当性; (2)客观性; (3)内容; (4)判别力。 CAP和NF CDSS均采用迭代方法进行了敏感性调查,并分发给了加拿大一个站点的所有25名急诊医师。总体回应率为88%。受访者中88%为男性,而83%以下的为40岁以下;所有人都以专业名称就诊于EM医师。有报告称从未使用过CAP(21%)或NF(33%)CDSS;分别有54%(CAP)和21%(NF)的受访者使用各自的CDSS少于10次。总体而言,两种CDSS均获得了用户的高度评价,CAP的平均响应为4.95(SD 0.56),NF的平均响应为5.62(SD 0.62)(李克特量表)为7分。多数或受访者(CAP 59%,NF 80%)认为,NF CDSS比CAP CDSS更有可能减少在用药剂量,抗生素选择或患者处置方面出现医疗错误的机会(4.61 vs. 5.81,p = 0.008)。尽管已经部署了数年,但并非所有EM临床医生都使用CAP和NF的CDSS。用户通常对CDSS感到满意,并认为NF比CAP CDSS减少医疗错误的可能性更大。需要进一步的研究以确定CDSS使用的障碍。



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