首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan >The theorem of E. Hopf under uniform magnetic fields

The theorem of E. Hopf under uniform magnetic fields

机译:均匀磁场下的E. Hopf定理

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By using a geodesic flow, E. Hopf proved that the total curvature of a compact surface without conjugate points is nonpositive, and vanishes if and only if the surface is flat in [5]. L. W. Green extended the result of E. Hopf for a compact n-dimensional manifold in [3]. Recently, F. Guimaraes and N. Innami have treated the noncompact case. The non-existence of a pair of conjugate points along geodesics is equivalent to the non-existence of singular values of the exponential map. If there exists a magnetic field, then this equivalence no longer holds. From this fact, we find two concepts of non-conjugation for the magnetic flow, which are called Jacobi field non-conjugation and exponential map non-conjugation.
机译:通过使用测地流,E。Hopf证明了没有共轭点的紧致表面的总曲率是非正值的,并且在且仅当表面平坦时才消失[5]。 L. W. Green在[3]中将E. Hopf的结果扩展为一个紧凑的n维流形。最近,吉马良斯(F. Guimaraes)和因纳米(N. Innami)治疗了这种不紧凑的病例。沿测地线不存在一对共轭点等效于不存在指数映射的奇异值。如果存在磁场,则不再成立。根据这一事实,我们发现了磁流的非共轭两个概念,分别称为雅可比场非共轭和指数图非共轭。



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