首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematical Chemistry >The Estrada index of chemical trees

The Estrada index of chemical trees


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Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and let λ1, λ2, . . . , λ n be the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. The Estrada index of G is a recently introduced molecular structure descriptor, defined as , proposed as a measure of branching in alkanes. In order to support this proposal, we prove that among the trees with fixed maximum degree Δ, the broom B n,Δ, consisting of a star S Δ+1 and a path of length n−Δ−1 attached to an arbitrary pendent vertex of the star, is the unique tree which minimizes even spectral moments and the Estrada index, and then show the relation EE(S n ) = EE(B n,n−1) > EE(B n,n−2) > . . . > EE(B n,3) > EE(B n,2) = EE(P n ). We also determine the trees with minimum Estrada index among the trees with perfect matching and maximum degree Δ. On the other hand, we strengthen a conjecture of Gutman et al. [Z. Naturforsch. 62a (2007), 495] that the Volkmann trees have maximal Estrada index among the trees with fixed maximum degree Δ, by conjecturing that the Volkmann trees also have maximal even spectral moments of any order. As a first step in this direction, we characterize the starlike trees which maximize even spectral moments and the Estrada index. Keywords Estrada index - Branching - Broom graph - Chemical trees - Volkmann trees - Spectral moments
机译:令G为具有n个顶点的简单图,令λ 1 ,λ 2 ,。 。 。 ,λ n 是其邻接矩阵的特征值。 G的Estrada指数是最近引入的分子结构描述符,定义为,被提议作为烷烃中分支的量度。为了支持该建议,我们证明了在具有最大固定度Δ的树中,扫帚B n,Δ由星S Δ+ 1 和a附着在恒星的任意垂线顶点上的长度为n−Δ-1的路径是唯一的树,该树使偶数谱矩和Estrada指数最小,然后显示出关系EE(S n )= EE(B n,n-1 )> EE(B n,n−2 )>。 。 。 > EE(B n,3 )> EE(B n,2 )= EE(P n )。我们还确定了具有完美匹配和最大程度Δ的树木中具有最小Estrada指数的树木。另一方面,我们加强了对Gutman等人的猜想。 [Z. Naturforsch。 [62a(2007),495]认为,Volkmann树在最大度数Δ固定的树中具有最大的Estrada指数,这是通过推测Volkmann树还具有任何阶数的最大偶数谱矩来实现的。作为朝这个方向迈出的第一步,我们对星形树进行了表征,这些树使均匀的光谱矩和Estrada指数最大化。关键词Estrada指数-分枝-扫帚图-化学树-Volkmann树-光谱矩



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