首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Research >The mechanical behavior of ceramic-metal laminate under thermal shock

The mechanical behavior of ceramic-metal laminate under thermal shock


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A new material system for applications involving thermal shock is proposed. The system consists of thin layers of ceramics and thinner metallic interlayers. In this study, a ceramic/metal laminate was constructed from Coor's ADS96R thin plates alternating with thinner Wesgo Cusil Active Braze Alloy interlayer foils and joined in active brazing. The maximum brazing temperature was 845 deg. C Square laminated plates were quenched in room-temperature distilled water, where a very large heat transfer coefficient exists, and therefore, severe conditions of thermal shock occur. The laminated plates, initially at temperatures of 600 and 800 deg C, were quenched at their bottom surface only in a specially designed apparatus. The temperatures at the top and the bottom surfaces of the specimens were measured by means of two thermocouples during quenching. The basic features of this architecture are described. The dominant behavior was the absence of interaction between the biaxial cracking mechanisms in a ceramic layer with those in an adjacent ceramic layer, and localization of the damage to those layers that experienced sufficient tensile stresses. The result was a dramatic increase of the residual strength after thermal shock. In addition, R-curve behavior upon mechanical loading caused by plastic deformation of the metallic interlayer was observed.
机译:提出了一种用于涉及热冲击的新材料系统。该系统由陶瓷薄层和较薄的金属夹层组成。在这项研究中,陶瓷/金属层压板是由Coor的ADS96R薄板与更薄的Wesgo Cusil活性钎焊合金中间箔交替制成的,并加入了活性钎焊。最高钎焊温度为845度。 C Square层压板在室温的蒸馏水中淬火,因为那里的传热系数非常大,因此会发生严酷的热冲击条件。最初在600和800摄氏度的温度下,层压板仅在专门设计的设备中在其底部表面淬火。在淬火过程中,通过两个热电偶测量样品的顶部和底部表面的温度。描述了该体系结构的基本特征。主要的行为是陶瓷层中的双轴裂纹机制与相邻陶瓷层中的双轴裂纹机制之间不存在相互作用,并且对遭受足够拉伸应力的那些层的损伤局部化。结果是热冲击后残余强度急剧增加。此外,观察到由金属夹层的塑性变形引起的机械载荷下的R曲线行为。



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