首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Research >Ag Effects On The Elastic Modulus Values Of Nanoporous Au Foams

Ag Effects On The Elastic Modulus Values Of Nanoporous Au Foams


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To study both the effect of Ag and the relative density on the elastic properties of nanoporous Au (np-Au) foams, partially as well as fully dealloyed np-Au samples with various ligament sizes were prepared. Additionally, Ag-coated np-Au samples were synthesized by immersing np-Au in a 1 M Ag nitrate solution, followed by drying and thermal decomposition of the deposited Ag nitrate salt to Ag, NO_2, and O_2. Cross-sectional analysis revealed that this method yields a homogeneous Ag distribution and that the Ag concentration can be adjusted within the range of 0 to 20 at.%. Mechanical testing was performed by depth-sensing nanoindentation. It was observed that the effect of the relative density on the elastic properties of np-Au seems to be much stronger than predicted by the Gibson and Ashby relationship: Even Ag contents as low as 1 at.% can significantly change the modulus values. On the other hand, the elastic modulus of np-Au seems to be independent of the ligament size.
机译:为了研究Ag和相对密度对纳米多孔Au(np-Au)泡沫的弹性性能的影响,准备了部分韧带尺寸的完全以及完全脱合金的np-Au样品。另外,通过将np-Au浸入1 M Ag硝酸盐溶液中,然后干燥和将沉积的硝酸银盐盐热分解为Ag,NO_2和O_2来合成涂有Ag的np-Au样品。横截面分析表明,该方法可产生均匀的Ag分布,且Ag浓度可在0至20 at。%的范围内调节。通过深度感应纳米压痕进行机械测试。观察到,相对密度对np-Au弹性性能的影响似乎比吉布森和阿什比关系所预测的要强得多:即使低至1 at。%的Ag含量也可以显着改变模量值。另一方面,np-Au的弹性模量似乎与韧带尺寸无关。



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