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Creating Truth-Telling Incentives with the Bayesian Truth Serum


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The Bayesian truth serum (BTS) is a survey scoring method that creates truth-telling incentives for respondents answering multiple-choice questions about intrinsically private matters, such as opinions, tastes, and behavior. The authors test BTS in several studies, primarily using recognition questionnaires that present items such as brand names and scientific terms. One-third of the items were nonexistent foils. The BTS mechanism, which mathematically rewards "surprisingly common" answers, both rewarded truth telling, by heavily penalizing foil recognition, and induced truth telling, in that participants who were paid according to their BTS scores claimed to recognize fewer foils than control groups, even when given competing incentives to exaggerate. Survey takers who received BTS-based payments without explanation became less likely to recognize foils as they progressed through the survey, suggesting that they learned to respond to BTS incentives despite the absence of guidance. The mechanism also outperformed the solemn oath, a competing truth-inducement mechanism. Finally, when applied to judgments about contributing to a public good, BTS eliminated the bias common in contingent valuation elicitations.
机译:贝叶斯真相血清(BTS)是一种调查评分方法,可为回答有关内在私人事务(例如意见,品味和行为)的多项选择问题的受访者提供讲真言的动机。作者在几项研究中测试了BTS,主要是使用识别问卷来展示品牌名称和科学术语等项目。三分之一的物品是不存在的金属箔。 BTS机制通过数学方式奖励“令人惊讶的常见”答案,既通过严厉惩罚箔纸识别来奖励讲真话,又通过诱导真相讲授,即根据其BTS分数付费的参与者声称识别箔纸的人数少于对照组,甚至当给予竞争激励时夸大其词。接受基于BTS的付款而没有任何解释的被调查者在进行调查时变得不太可能识别障碍,这表明尽管没有指导,他们还是学会了对BTS奖励的反应。该机制还胜过庄严的宣誓,这是一种相互竞争的真相诱导机制。最终,防弹少年团在用于对公益事业做出贡献的判断时,消除了或有估值诱因中常见的偏见。



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