首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Latin American Studies >Heather Levi, The World of Lucha Libre: Secrets, Revelations, and Mexican National Identity (Durham NC and London: Duke University Press)

Heather Levi, The World of Lucha Libre: Secrets, Revelations, and Mexican National Identity (Durham NC and London: Duke University Press)

机译:希瑟·里维(Heather Levi),《卢卡·里伯的世界:秘密,启示和墨西哥国民身份》(达勒姆数控和伦敦:杜克大学出版社)

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This book truly answers to its title. On the one hand it draws the reader into the vivid world of lucha libre, the Mexican version of professional wrestling - its history, its rules, its performances and its performers. The reader is not only placed ringside but also taken into the arduous training processes and learns what it takes to become and remain a luchador or luchadora. On the other hand, lucha libre is analysed as a signifying practice and a social phenomenon, a 'master symbol of urban Mexican cultural authenticity' containing 'elements that could be read as a parody of the postrevolutionary political system' (p. 220).
机译:这本书真正地回答了它的标题。一方面,它将读者吸引到lucha libre的生动世界中,墨西哥版本的专业摔跤手-它的历史,规则,表现和表演者。读者不仅会坐到一边,还可以参加艰苦的培训过程,了解成为并保持luchador或luchadora所需要的东西。另一方面,人们将“自由解放”作为一种象征性的实践和一种社会现象进行了分析,是“墨西哥城市文化真实性的主要象征”,其中包含“可以被理解为革命后政治制度模仿的要素”(第220页)。



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