首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society >First Records of Podonominae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Outer Mongolia, with Notes on Ecology and Biogeographic Distribution

First Records of Podonominae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Outer Mongolia, with Notes on Ecology and Biogeographic Distribution


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Paraboreochlus minutissimus (Strobl 1894) and Trichotanypus posticalis (Lund-beck 1898) have been collected from Gorkhi Terelj, Outer Mongolia resulting in the first record for these species and for the subfamily Podonominae (Diptera: Chironomidae) in this country. Both species were collected in habitats similar to their described habitats from Europe and North America. A review of their biogeography indicates that Trichotanypus are restricted to the more northern part of the Holarctic region and will likely be restricted to northern Mongolia; whereas Paraboroechlus has a more southern Holarctic distribution and future surveys may result in finding it in southern Mongolia, just north of the Gobi Desert.
机译:从外蒙古的Gorkhi Terelj收集了Paraboreochlus minutissimus(Strobl 1894)和Trichotanypus posticalis(Lund-beck 1898),为该物种和该科的Podonominae(Diptera:Chironomidae)亚科提供了首个记录。两种物种的栖息地均与欧洲和北美描述的栖息地相似。对它们的生物地理学的审查表明,毛发癣菌只限于霍拉克特地区的北部,很可能只限于蒙古北部。而Paraboroechlus的Holarctic分布更南部,未来的调查可能会在蒙古南部,戈壁沙漠以北的地方找到它。



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