首页> 外文期刊>Journal of interpretation research >Can interpretive graphics influence visitor behavior in an exhibit space?

Can interpretive graphics influence visitor behavior in an exhibit space?


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Exhibit signage and graphics projects are most successful when they involve collaborative planning and formative evaluation throughout the process. Lincoln Park Zoo set out to combine interpretive best practices and visitor evaluation methods for the newly renovated eastern black rhinoceros yard in 2010. Evaluation methods included prototyping, visitor tracking, and informal interviews. After installation of the new graphics, visitor time spent looking at both the signs and the exhibit increased. Results were most significant among male visitors. The study indicates that hands-on non-personal media of this nature can have a significant effect on visitor behavior in an exhibit space. It also provides a model for making data-informed decisions regardless of limited budgets or resources.
机译:参展标牌和图形项目在整个过程中涉及协作计划和形成性评估时,才是最成功的。林肯公园动物园(Lincoln Park Zoo)于2010年着手将诠释性最佳实践和访客评估方法相结合,用于新近装修的东部黑犀牛场。评估方法包括原型设计,访客跟踪和非正式访谈。安装新图形后,参观者花在看招牌和展品上的时间增加了。结果在男性访客中最为显着。研究表明,这种性质的非个人动手媒体可能会对展览空间中的访客行为产生重大影响。它还提供了一个模型,可以在不考虑有限预算或资源的情况下做出数据明智的决策。



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