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Must You Watch What You Say? Application Of Cda To Publications On The Internet

机译:你一定要看你说什么吗? Cda在互联网出版物上的应用

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There can be no real argument that the Internet has changed our lives (whether it has changed them for the better is still subject to debate). It has changed the way we work, the way we shop, they way we play, and the way we communicate. Consider the following: 70 percent of the population of North America uses the Internet. Each month, the average person visits 59 domains, views 1,050 pages, and spends 25 hours doing so. The average Web surfing session lasts 51 minutes.1 It took the Internet only five years to reach 50 million users (it took radio 38 years to reach the same audience).2 According to a recent UCLA survey, 67 percent of all respondents who used the Internet called it an "important" or "extremely important" source of information.3rnOne of the attractions of the Internet-worldwide reach-also leads to big problems, especially when it comes to content control. Anyone who pays the requisite fees and agrees to be bound by the terms of the service agreement can gain access to thousands or even millions of different sites. Given the enormity of the Internet, the only limit on the postings made by individual users is their own decency and self-restraint.



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