首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting >New Developments in the Framework for Financial Reporting: The Role of National Standard Setters and the Canadian Contribution to Research on Measurement on Initial Recognition and a Framework for Disclosure of Financial Information

New Developments in the Framework for Financial Reporting: The Role of National Standard Setters and the Canadian Contribution to Research on Measurement on Initial Recognition and a Framework for Disclosure of Financial Information


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Most of the attention regarding the development of a single set of global financial reporting standards is focused on the two major participants in that work: the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Because of the significance of the US capital markets, it is clearly important that the FASB work closely with the IASB in developing such a set of standards. However, significant roles continue to be played by other accounting standard setters. This paper discusses the significant roles that other accounting standard setters play in global accounting standard setting and looks, in particular, at the contribution of one of those standard setters, the Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB), to two critical international research projects: (ⅰ) a conceptual study of measurement bases in financial accounting; and (ⅱ) a framework for disclosure of financial information in financial statements.
机译:关于制定一套全球财务报告准则的大多数关注都集中在该工作的两个主要参与者上:国际会计准则理事会(IASB)和财务会计准则理事会(FASB)。由于美国资本市场的重要性,在制定这样一套标准时,FASB与IASB密切合作显然很重要。但是,其他会计准则制定者仍将继续发挥重要作用。本文讨论了其他会计准则制定者在全球会计准则制定中所起的重要作用,尤其着眼于其中一个准则制定者加拿大会计准则委员会(AcSB)对两个重要的国际研究项目的贡献: ⅰ)对财务会计计量基础的概念研究; (ⅱ)在财务报表中披露财务信息的框架。



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