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Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Scaled Wind Tunnel Model for the Smart Wing Project

机译:Smart Wing项目的比例风洞模型的设计,制造和测试

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Building on the research performed during the DARPA/AFRL/NASA Smart Wing Phase I program (Kudva, J.N. et al. (July 1999). "Overview of the DARPA/AFRL/ NASA Smart Wing Program," SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, CA, Vol. 3674, pp. 230-6; Martin, C.A. et al. (1999). "Smart Materials and Structures - Smart Wing Phase I Final Report," AFRL-ML- WP-TR-1999-4162, Air Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH.) sought to improve vehicle aerodynamic efficiency using control surfaces actuated by smart materials, the goal of the Phase 2 effort was to develop larger scale, smart hingeless control surfaces capable of high-rate actuation and quantify their performance benefits at test conditions representative of operational flight environments. To achieve this goal, a 30-percent geometric scale, full-span wind tunnel model of a proposed Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC) Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) was designed and tested. The model incorporated conventional, hinged control surfaces on the left side and smart, hingeless control surfaces on the right to allow incremental aerodynamic performance comparisons; including lift increment due to unit control surface deflection (C_(L_(delta))), and roll moment due to unit control surface deflection (C_(l_d)). This paper describes the design, fabrication, system integration, and ground test results of the Smart Wing Phase 2 model. Topics that are covered include: (1) wind tunnel model selection; (2) analysis and design procedure; (3) smart control surface integration; (4) model instrumentation; and (5) static load and Ground Vibration Test (GVT) results and correlation.
机译:以DARPA / AFRL / NASA智能翼计划第一阶段(Kudva,JN等人,1999年7月)进行的研究为基础。“ DARPA / AFRL / NASA智能翼计划的概述”,SPIE智能结构和材料研讨会,加利福尼亚州纽波特比奇,第3674卷,第230-6页;马丁,加利福尼亚州等(1999),“智能材料和结构-智能机翼第一阶段最终报告”,AFRL-ML- WP-TR-1999- 4162,美国俄亥俄州赖特-帕特森空军基地空军研究实验室航空局,试图通过使用由智能材料驱动的控制面来提高飞机的空气动力学效率,第二阶段的目标是开发更大尺寸,无铰链的智能系统能够高速致动的控制面,并在代表运行飞行环境的测试条件下量化其性能优势。为实现此目标,设计并测试了拟议的诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司(NGC)无人战斗飞机(UCAV)的30%几何比例尺,全跨度风洞模型。该模型在左侧结合了传统的铰链控制表面,在右侧融合了智能的无铰链控制表面,从而可以进行增量空气动力学性能比较。包括由于单元控制表面挠度(C_(L_δ))引起的升力增量,以及由于单元控制表面挠度(C_(l_d))引起的侧倾力矩。本文介绍了Smart Wing 2期模型的设计,制造,系统集成和地面测试结果。涵盖的主题包括:(1)风洞模型的选择; (2)分析设计程序; (3)智能控制面集成; (4)模型仪表; (5)静载荷与地面振动试验(GVT)的结果及相关性。



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