首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Conservation >Impact of rubber plantation on carabid beetle communities and species distribution in a changing tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, China)

Impact of rubber plantation on carabid beetle communities and species distribution in a changing tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, China)


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Carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) have widely been used to assess biodiversity values of different habitats in cultivated landscapes, but rarely in the humid tropics. This study aimed to investigate effects of land use change on the carabid assemblages in a tributary valley of the Mekong River in tropical southern Yunnan, China. The study area includes habitats of traditional land use systems (rice production and shifting cultivation successions) and was dominated by natural forests until about 30 years ago. Since then, large areas of forest have been, and still are, successively transformed into commercial rubber monoculture plantations. In total, 102 species of Carabidae (including Cicindelinae) were recorded from 13 sites over different seasons, using pitfall traps, Malaise traps and aerial collectors in trees. Cluster analysis and indicator species analysis showed that three types of habitat (rice field fallows, early natural successions and natural forest) possess a degree of uniqueness in species composition. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed that the environmental factors explaining 80% of the total variation in carabid assemblage composition are the degree of vegetational openness of a habitat and its plant species diversity. Rice field fallows had significantly higher numbers of species and individuals than any other type of habitat and are probably dominated by species originating from other regions. Carabid assemblages of young rubber plantations (5 and 8 years) were quantitatively similar to those of forests, but without species of significant indicator value. With increasing plantation age (20 and 40 years), the number of carabid species decreased. Increasing age and a further spatial expansion of rubber plantations at the expense of forest areas will have negative impacts on the native forest carabid assemblages with strongest effects on forest specialists and rare species.



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