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Globalization of IT-Enabled Services: An Irreversible Trend


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It is hard to think of a topic that is more important to the global business community than outsourcing and offshoring is in 2005. Over the past six to seven years, it has been a driving force in literally rewriting the global face of corporate business and creating significant new job opportunities in formerly impoverished parts of the world. As Tom Friedman noted in his recent best seller, "The World is Flat," the origins of offshoring began with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In a remarkable and not well understood way at the time, this launched the process of bringing nearly three billion people into the global economy who previously had been largely left outside it. Eastern Europe, India and China all became a part of the global capitalistic system, offering many potential new areas of collaboration between countries. Trade barriers were diminished.
机译:很难想到一个比2005年外包和离岸外包更重要的主题。在过去的六到七年里,它一直是真正改写公司业务的全球面貌并创造新的动力。在世界贫困地区带来了重要的新工作机会。正如汤姆·弗里德曼(Tom Friedman)在最近的畅销书《世界是平坦的》中所指出的那样,离岸外包的起源始于1989年柏林墙的倒塌。将近30亿人融入了全球经济,而这些人以前大多被排除在外。东欧,印度和中国都已成为全球资本主义体系的一部分,为国家之间的合作提供了许多潜在的新领域。贸易壁垒减少了。



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