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Ivy League Publishing Managing Global Information Technology: Strategies and Challenges


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Given the rapid advances in global information technology, the editors of this book were inundated by calls from friends and colleagues pleading with them to completely renew the previous book. Significant changes have occurred in the past few years, including: the increasing use of IT by firms in less developed countries, the expanding international supply chains, the pervasiveness of offshoring to distant locations, the burgeoning impact of the Internet and e-commerce, and the emergence of e-government. The new book not only captures the contemporary global IT issues, but also updates the classical issues with new information. It has twenty five chapters divided into five sections. The first section "IT in a Global Context" recognizes that the spread and use of technology has not reached all companies and countries evenly. Digital divide continues to persist. In spite of Thomas Friedman's book "The World is Flat", the roads are still bumpy and not always paved. The other four sections are: Global Strategies and Policies, Integration of Global Systems, Global IS Development and Outsourcing, and E-Commerce and E-Government. Each chapter starts off with a summary followed by a minicase, key terms, and study questions. The minicase and the study questions can be used to further illustrate and apply the concepts presented in the chapter.
机译:随着全球信息技术的飞速发展,本书的编辑被朋友和同事的呼吁所淹没,他们恳求他们彻底更新前一本书。在过去的几年中发生了重大变化,包括:欠发达国家的公司对IT的使用不断增加,国际供应链的不断扩大,离岸转移到遥远地区的普遍性,互联网和电子商务的新兴影响以及电子政务的出现。新书不仅记录了当代的全球IT问题,而且还用新信息更新了经典问题。它有25章,分为五个部分。第一部分“全球范围内的IT”认识到,技术的传播和使用并未均匀地到达所有公司和国家。数字鸿沟继续存在。尽管有托马斯·弗里德曼(Thomas Friedman)的著作《世界是平坦的》,但道路仍然崎bump不平,并不总是铺平道路。其他四个部分是:全球战略和政策,全球系统集成,全球IS开发和外包以及电子商务和电子政务。每章均以摘要开头,然后是小写案例,关键术语和学习问题。小案例和研究问题可用于进一步说明和应用本章中介绍的概念。



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