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A study of users' performance and satisfaction with the Web of Science IR interface

机译:使用Web of Science IR界面对用户的表现和满意度进行研究

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This paper reports on an empirical study of users' performance and satisfaction with the Web of Science interface. Two different search groups (novice and experienced) participated in the study. They carried out seven search tasks and their performance was recorded through transaction logging and computer screen recording. Data were captured on the time taken, search terms used, success score and error rates. After completion of search tasks, they completed a questionnaire on their satisfaction withthe interface. The performance data showed that overall experienced users performed better than the novice group. Differences were significant in success score and error rates between the groups. Performance differences also existed on factors such as gender and previous online search training. Experienced female searchers performed best in terms of success score and error rates whereas the novice male group performed worst. Untrained users were more successful and made fewer errors than the trained group. Participants held neither highly positive nor highly negative perceptions about the Web of Science interface. Novice searchers were significantly more satisfied with the interface than the experienced group. Participants also noted both positive andnegative features in the interface. This information could be used to redesign the present Web of Science interface.
机译:本文报告了用户对Web of Science界面的性能和满意度的实证研究。两个不同的搜索组(新手和有经验的人)参加了这项研究。他们执行了七个搜索任务,并通过事务记录和计算机屏幕记录来记录其性能。收集有关时间,使用的搜索词,成功分数和错误率的数据。搜索任务完成后,他们完成了对界面满意度的问卷调查。性能数据显示,总体而言,有经验的用户的表现要优于新手组。两组之间的成功分数和错误率差异显着。在性别和以前的在线搜索培训等因素上也存在性能差异。有经验的女性搜寻者在成功分数和错误率方面表现最佳,而新手男性则表现最差。未经培训的用户比受过培训的用户更成功,并且出错更少。与会者对Web of Science的界面既没有高度肯定也没有高度否定。新手搜索者对界面的满意程度明显高于经验丰富的小组。与会者还指出了界面中的正面和负面特征。此信息可用于重新设计当前的Web of Science界面。



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