首页> 外文期刊>Journal of information science and engineering >A Novel GPS-Based Quorum Hybrid RoutingAlgorithm (GPS-QHRA) for Cellular-Based Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

A Novel GPS-Based Quorum Hybrid RoutingAlgorithm (GPS-QHRA) for Cellular-Based Ad Hoc Wireless Networks


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This work presents a novel GPS-based Quorum Hybrid Routing Algorithm (GPS-QHRA), which is a cluster-based approach protocol for cellular-based ad hoc wireless networks. Each node equipped with GPS knows in which zones they are located. Based on the results reported in [12], cellular-based management can achieve better behavior in reducing the number of flooding messages, better bandwidth management and a smaller hops. A table-driven routing protocol is used for intra-cluster routing, and an on-demand routing protocol is used for inter-cluster routing. The node with the highest connectivity is selected as a cluster head in each zone to simulate the function of the Home Location Register (HLR) in a GSM system. It is called the Location Database Node (LDN), In the GPS-QHRA, LDNs are formed as part of a Uniform Quorum System (UQS), and they are disjoint and distinguishable from each other. This algorithm is divided into three parts: (ⅰ) a GPS-based routing algorithm, (ⅱ) a mobility management scheme searching for a new substitute node while maintaining the LDNs, and (ⅲ) a fault tolerance strategy that is initiated under specific circumstances. Simulation results show that the GPS-QHRA better optimizes the flooding overhead and the mean paths in highly mobility environments compared with Zone Hierarchical Link State (ZHLS) algorithm, which partitions each zone into a square and does not adopt the cluster head concept.



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