首页> 外文期刊>Journal of information science and engineering >Modeling of Multiple TCP Segment Losses in Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance Phases

Modeling of Multiple TCP Segment Losses in Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance Phases


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This paper presents analytical modeling to systematically capture the characteristics of TCP fast retransmission and recovery. One of the novel contributions of this paper is to evaluate the conditions under which fast recovery can be successful in the slow start and in the congestion avoidance phases, respectively. Unlike previous works where they simply assume in a RTT round the packets following the first lost packet are all lost, we consider a more realistic case in which the packets following the first lost packet in the same RTT round may not be all lost. This consideration makes our analyses technically different from the previous works as described in [1] and [4-6]. Depending on N_r[y], the number of packets successfully received at the (y + l)th RTT round after the first lost packet was detected, we divide the analytical model into two cases: N_r[y]≥ k (the number of duplicate acknowledgments) and N_r[y] < k. For both cases, we have respectively revealed that there are certain necessary conditions for the fast retransmission to occur. The revealed necessary conditions are represented as a number of upper bounds, beyond which the lost packets can not be recovered using TCP fast retransmission algorithm. In addition, from the analytical results, we have shown that TCP Reno certainly leads to timeout if the number of packet losses in a TCP window exceeds two packets.
机译:本文提出了分析模型,以系统地捕获TCP快速重传和恢复的特征。本文的新颖贡献之一是评估在缓慢启动和避免拥塞阶段分别能成功实现快速恢复的条件。与先前的工作不同,他们只是简单地假设在RTT回合中丢失了第一个丢失数据包之后的数据包,而在更现实的情况下,同一RTT回合中第一个丢失数据包之后的数据包可能不会全部丢失。这种考虑使我们的分析在技术上不同于[1]和[4-6]中所述的先前工作。根据N_r [y],在检测到第一个丢失的数据包后,在第(y + l)个RTT回合成功接收到的数据包数量,我们将分析模型分为两种情况:N_r [y]≥k(重复确认)和N_r [y]



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