首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing >Analysis of Seasonal Variability of Vegetation and Methane Concentration over India using SPOT-VEGETATION and ENVISAT-SCIAMACHY Data

Analysis of Seasonal Variability of Vegetation and Methane Concentration over India using SPOT-VEGETATION and ENVISAT-SCIAMACHY Data


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This paper highlights the spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric columnar methane (CH4) concentration over India and its correlation with the terrestrial vegetation dynamics. SCanning IMaging Absorption spectrometer for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) on board ENVIronmental SATellite (ENVISAT) data product (0.5° × 0.5°) was used to analyze the atmospheric CH4 concentration. Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT)-VEGETATION sensor’s Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) product, aggregated at 0.5° × 0.5° grid level for the same period (2004 and 2005), was used to correlate the with CH4 concentration. Analysis showed mean monthly CH4 concentration during the Kharif season varied from 1,704 parts per billion volume (ppbv) to 1,780 ppbv with the lowest value in May and the highest value in September. Correspondingly, mean NDVI varied from 0.28 (May) to 0.53 (September). Analysis of correlation between CH4 concentration and NDVI values over India showed positive correlation (r = 0.76; n = 6) in Kharif season. Further analysis using land cover information showed characteristic low correlation in natural vegetation region and high correlation in agricultural area. Grids, particularly falling in the Indo-Gangetic Plains showed positive correlation. This could be attributed to the rice crop which is grown as a predominant crop during this period. The CH4 concentration pattern matched well with growth pattern of rice with the highest concentration coinciding with the peak growth period of crop in the September. Characteristically low correlation was observed (r = 0.1; n = 6) in deserts of Rajasthan and forested Himalayan ecosystem. Thus, the paper emphasizes the synergistic use of different satellite based data in understanding the variability of atmospheric CH4 concentration in relation to vegetation.
机译:本文着重介绍了印度大气柱状甲烷(CH4 )浓度的时空变化及其与陆地植被动态的关系。使用环境卫星数据(ENVISAT)数据产品(0.5°×0.5°)上的大气制图的SCanning成像吸收光谱仪(SCIAMACHY)分析了大气中CH4 的浓度。同期(2004年和2005年)以0.5°×0.5°网格水平聚集的卫星地面观测(SPOT)-植被传感器的归一化植被指数(NDVI)产品用于将CH4 < / sub>浓度。分析表明,在哈里夫季期间,平均每月CH4 浓度从1,704十亿分之十(ppbv)到1,780 ppbv不等,5月最低,9月最高。相应地,平均NDVI在0.28(5月)至0.53(9月)之间变化。在印度哈里夫季节,CH4 浓度与NDVI值之间的相关性分析显示正相关(r = 0.76; n = 6)。利用土地覆盖信息进行的进一步分析表明,自然植被区域的相关性较低,而农业地区的相关性较高。网格,特别是在印度恒河平原上的网格显示出正相关。这可能归因于这一时期以水稻为主的水稻作物。 CH4 的浓度模式与水稻的生长模式非常吻合,最高浓度的稻米与9月份的农作物高峰期相吻合。在拉贾斯坦沙漠和森林喜马拉雅生态系统中观察到特征性的低相关性(r = 0.1; n = 6)。因此,本文强调了不同卫星数据的协同使用,以了解大气中CH4 浓度相对于植被的变化。



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