首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry >Application of magnetic nanoparticles modified with cyclodextrins as efficient adsorbents in separation systems

Application of magnetic nanoparticles modified with cyclodextrins as efficient adsorbents in separation systems


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Compared to the traditional micron-sized supports used in separation process, nano-sized adsorbents possess quite good performance due to high specific surface area and the absence of internal diffusion resistance, which improve adsorption capacity. Recently, magnetic technology has been applied in pollution removal. Over the past few years, magnetic adsorption technology has attracted considerable attention for use in dye and metal removal. Magnetic nanoparticles are particularly attractive because of their inherent properties such as large surface area and fast response under applied external magnetic field. The high surface area to volume ratio and superparamagnetism of magnetic nanoparticles, combined with formation of complexes between adsorbent and β-cyclodextrins (β-CD), can effectively remove pollutants from wastewater. These nanoparticles modified with cyclodextrins also can be used in chiral separations. Therefore nowadays, efforts are being made to magnetic nanoparticle modified with CDs as efficient adsorbent in separations.



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