首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History >Imperial Eyes or 'The Eyes of Another Race'? Roger Casement's Travels in West Africa

Imperial Eyes or 'The Eyes of Another Race'? Roger Casement's Travels in West Africa


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In 1894, long before his famous humanitarian investigations in the Congo Free State and the Putumayo region of Amazonia, Roger Casement wrote four accounts of his travels in West Africa as an employee of the Niger Coast Protectorate administration. These manuscripts have regularly been overlooked in research of Casement. In a close reading of these texts, which combines contextual information with literary theories of travel writing, this essay gives insights into Casement's early development as a traveller and writer. It is argued that, rather than simply projecting pre-established imperialist or anti-imperialist attitudes, Casement's reports show a traveller negotiating his political outlook on empire in descriptions of the societies and cultures that he encounters.
机译:1894年,罗杰·凯斯门特(Roger Casement)在他在刚果自由州和亚马逊河的普图马约地区进行著名的人道主义调查之前,曾写过四个关于他作为尼日尔海岸保护区政府雇员在西非旅行的记录。这些手稿经常在Casement的研究中被忽略。在仔细阅读这些文本的过程中,结合了上下文信息和旅行写作的文学理论,本文对Casement作为旅行者和作家的早期发展提供了见解。有人认为,卡斯门特的报告不仅显示了既定的帝国主义或反帝国主义的态度,还展示了一个旅行者,在描述他所遇到的社会和文化时,就其对帝国的政治观点进行了谈判。



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