首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Human Ecology >Traditional Festive Cuisine of North Karnataka

Traditional Festive Cuisine of North Karnataka


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Food is an integral part of any festival wherein, specific traditional festival foods are prepared, both in rural and urban India. An investigation was conducted to document the major Hindu festivals, festive foods and socio-economic factors associated. Data was collected through cross sectional and longitudinal surveys. Hindu families 100 each from rural and urban scattered in four directions of Dharwad taluk were selected randomly by purposive sampling technique. The investigation revealed that the festive cuisine comprised of 45 sweet and 33 savory traditional foods in the form of either main course or accompaniments. The caste, religion and location influenced the festival celebration. It was observed that families belonging to major caste (Lingayat) communities celebrated more festivals than other caste groups and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes families. However, rural families celebrated more festivals compared to urban counter parts. Association between festival foods and caste categories; number of festival foods, income and size of family was observed in both rural and urban groups. Nagarpanchami was celebrated with more number of festival foods both in urban and rural families. It was observed that low-income rural families prepared more festival foods during all the festivals except Ganesh Chaturthi. However, the high-income group of urban families prepared more foods during Sankaranti, Ugadi, Nagarpanchami and Ganesh Chaturthi. During Ganesh chaturthi and Shigehunnive nuclear families of rural and joint families of urban areas enjoyed more festive foods.
机译:食品是印度乡村和城市中任何准备节日的必不可少的部分,在节日中,要准备特定的传统节日食品。进行了调查,以记录主要的印度教节日,节日食品和相关的社会经济因素。通过横截面和纵向调查收集数据。通过有针对性的抽样技术,随机选择了分布在达沃德·塔卢克(Dharwad taluk)四个方向的农村和城市的印度教家庭,每个家庭100个。调查显示,节日美食包括45种甜食和33种咸味传统食物,无论是主菜还是伴奏形式。种姓,宗教和地理位置影响了节日的庆祝活动。据观察,属于主要种姓(Lingayat)社区的家庭比其他种姓团体和预定等级/预定部落家庭庆祝的节日更多。但是,与城市居民相比,农村家庭庆祝的节日更多。节日食品和种姓类别之间的联系;在城乡人群中,节日食品的数量,收入和家庭规模都得到了观察。庆祝纳加邦查米(Nagarpanchami)的城市和农村家庭都有更多的节日食品。据观察,低收入的农村家庭在除甘尼什·查图尔提之外的所有节日期间都准备了更多的节日食品。但是,在Sankaranti,Ugadi,Nagarpanchami和Ganesh Chaturthi期间,高收入的城市家庭群体准备了更多的食物。在Ganesh chaturthi和Shigehunnive,农村的核心家庭和城市的联合家庭享用了更多的节日食品。



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