首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Historical Geography >Communism in Rural France: French Agricultural Workers and the Popular Front

Communism in Rural France: French Agricultural Workers and the Popular Front


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The nature of the French rural community has fascinated and puzzled generations of historians, anthropologists, sociologists and geographers. Albert Soboul's classic 1956 study of it in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (in the journal Past and Present) showed that peasant protest in modern France has been both endemic and evolving. Peasant uprisings and agrarian revolts prefaced the Revolution of 1789. They were aimed at the seigneur, the tax collector and the money lender: it was by opposing such 'external' enemies that a rural community constructed an 'internal' consciousness of itself. Traditional protests - riots, demonstrations and even revolutions - continued during the first half of the nineteen century as peasants fought a reactionary battle to retain their common rights of usage over fields, heaths and woods. But with the decline of the land-owning aristocracy and the increasing integration of the agricultural sector into the developing capitalist economy, latent antagonisms within rural communities surfaced and new, progressive, forms of protest emerged.
机译:法国乡村社区的性质吸引了几代历史学家,人类学家,社会学家和地理学家,并使他们感到困惑。阿尔伯特·索布尔(Albert Soboul)在18世纪和19世纪(在《过去与现在》杂志中)于1956年进行的经典研究表明,现代法国的农民抗议活动既流行又在发展。农民起义和农业起义是1789年革命的序幕。它们针对的是领主,收税员和放债人:农村社区通过对抗这种“外部”敌人,建立了自己的“内部”意识。在十九世纪上半叶,传统的抗议活动(包括暴动,示威甚至是革命)在继续,农民们进行了反动斗争,以保留他们在田野,荒地和树林上的共同使用权。但是随着土地所有权贵族的减少和农业部门日益融入发展中的资本主义经济,农村社区内部的潜在对抗浮出水面,新的,渐进的抗议形式出现了。



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