首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Historical Geography >In Nature We Trust: Les paysages anglais a Vere industrielle

In Nature We Trust: Les paysages anglais a Vere industrielle


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In this handsome volume, which is an expanded version of his doctoral thesis, historian Charles-Francois Mathis (Universite Paris-Sorbonne) charts major environmental changes associated with the industrialization and urbanization of England and Wales from the final decades of the eighteenth century to the start of the First World War. He then traces the emergence of interest groups working to defend the environment, and identifies the passage of protective legislation. Despite his title, he is concerned with both England and Wales, and makes occasional reference to Scotland or Ireland. His approach combines that of the cultural historian, focusing on images and representations, and of the socio-economic historian, identifying the impact of factory-based industrialization in making 'the workshop of the world'.
机译:历史学家查尔斯·弗朗索瓦·马蒂斯(Charles-Francois Mathis)(巴黎索邦大学)在这本英俊的著作中,对他的博士学位论文进行了扩展,描绘了从18世纪最后几十年到20世纪90年代英格兰和威尔士工业化和城市化相关的主要环境变化。第一次世界大战的开始。然后,他追踪了致力于保护环境的利益集团的出现,并确定了保护性立法的通过。尽管他有头衔,但他同时关注英格兰和威尔士,并偶尔提及苏格兰或爱尔兰。他的方法结合了文化历史学家(专注于图像和表示形式)和社会经济历史学家的方法,确定了工厂化工业化对打造“世界工厂”的影响。



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