首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Historical Geography >Walking and talking through Walks and Talks: traveling in the English landscape with Frederick Law Olmsted, 1850 and 2011

Walking and talking through Walks and Talks: traveling in the English landscape with Frederick Law Olmsted, 1850 and 2011

机译:步行和交谈中的步行和交谈:与弗雷德里克·劳·奥尔姆斯特(Frederick Law Olmsted)一起在英国风景中旅行,1850年和2011年

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Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903) is one of the most important figures in the history of American landscape architecture, conservation, and planning. Before he stumbled accidentally onto a career in park design, however, Olmsted was a dilettante gentleman farmer, social critic, and reformist man of letters. This paper considers the intellectual development of the early Olmsted by following his 1850 trip to England. It draws on two reservoirs of evidence: the documentary material in Olmsted's first book, Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England; and an experiment in historical geographical fieldwork undertaken by duplicating Olmsted's trip in May 2011. The essay argues that situating the 'early Olmsted' firmly within the intellectual history of antebellum social reform necessitates an interpretation of Olmsted's bourgeois republican radicalism which has been deemphasized in canonical histories of landscape architecture. It furthermore explores the category of mobility as an analytic and methodological tool, engaging with Olmsted's field practices in order to interrogate landscape as a experiential site of social and historical interpretation. Finally, it argues for the intellectual productivity of a fundamental tension between corporeality and transcendence intrinsic to the experience of landscape, a tension metaphorized within the very title 'Walks and Talks.' (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:弗雷德里克·劳·奥尔姆斯特(Frederick Law Olmsted,1822-1903年)是美国景观设计,保护和规划史上最重要的人物之一。但是,在偶然偶然地涉足公园设计事业之前,奥尔姆斯特德是一位谦逊的绅士农夫,社会评论家和改良主义者。本文考虑了奥姆斯特德(Olmsted)在1850年访问英国后的智力发展。它利用了两个证据库:奥尔姆斯特德(Olmsted)的第一本书《英格兰农民的游记》中的文献资料;以及通过重复2011年5月的奥姆斯特德之行进行的历史地理野外实验。该论文认为,将“早期奥姆斯特德”牢牢地置于战前社会改革的思想史之内,就需要对奥尔姆斯特德的资产阶级共和主义激进主义进行解释,而该思想在规范的历史学中已被忽视。的景观。此外,它还将流动性作为一种分析和方法论工具进行探索,并与Olmsted的野外实践相结合,以便将景观作为社会和历史解释的一个体验点。最后,它为景观生产力所固有的实质性和超越性之间的根本张力,即在“走路和说话”这一标题中隐喻的张力,提出了智力生产力的主张。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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