首页> 外文期刊>Journal of heritage tourism >Impacts of urban renewal on the place identity of local residents -a case study of Sunwenxilu traditional commercial street in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China

Impacts of urban renewal on the place identity of local residents -a case study of Sunwenxilu traditional commercial street in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China


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This paper studies the impacts of urban renewal on local residents' place identity by examining the changes in local residents' place identity in Sunwenxilu, a traditional commercial street in downtown Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China, which carried out urban renewal relatively early in modern China. Applying Breakwell's [(2015). Risk: Social psychological perspectives. In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Elsevier] identity process model and using the renewal process as a starting point, data concerning local residents' place identity in Sunwenxilu were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and literature analysis. The results reveal that local residents had established a strong place identity on Sunwenxilu before it changed to be a community of "incompetents" in the 1990s. In the late 1990s, Sunwenxilu was transformed into a cultural tourism pedestrian street. Right after the transformation, local residents regained their self-esteem with the improvement of the physical environment and intensification of cultural symbols, and re-established their place continuity by maintaining their collective memories. However, a failure to improve the local residents' self-efficiency of place during the "superficial" renewal had resulted in vulnerability of the local residents' place identity in terms of self-esteem, continuity and distinctiveness, thus causing another crisis of place identity. Obviously, the construction of place identity results from the interaction of all elements, so too much emphasis on only one element may trigger a new identity crisis.
机译:本文通过考察中国广东省中山市市区传统商业街孙文溪路的居民居住地身份变化,研究了城市更新对当地居民的身份影响。中国。应用Breakwell的[(2015)。风险:社会心理学观点。在《社会与行为科学国际百科全书》(第二版)的J. D. Wright(主编)中。纽约,纽约:爱思唯尔]身份过程模型,并以更新过程为起点,通过深入的访谈,观察和文献分析,收集了有关孙文溪路当地居民身份的数据。结果表明,当地居民在1990年代成为“无能者”社区之前,就在“孙文溪路”上建立了牢固的场所身份。 1990年代后期,孙文溪路转变为文化旅游步行街。转型后,当地居民随着自然环境的改善和文化符号的强化而恢复了自尊,并通过维护集体记忆来重新建立了场所的连续性。然而,在“表面的”更新过程中未能提高当地居民的场所自我效能,导致当地居民的场所身份在自尊,连续性和独特性方面的脆弱性,从而引发了另一个场所身份危机。显然,场所身份的构建是所有要素相互作用的结果,因此过分强调仅一个要素可能会引发新的身份危机。



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