首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Health Services Research _Policy >Audit of submissions: July 2005 to June 2006

Audit of submissions: July 2005 to June 2006


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During the 11th year of the Journal, 123 unsolicitednmanuscripts (original research and essays) were submitted.nThe proportion from the UK was 56%, with 9%nfrom the rest of Europe, 17% from North America andn12% from Australia and New Zealand. At the end ofnSeptember 2006, 17 (14%) had been accepted fornpublication, 102 (83%) had been rejected, three (2%)nhave been invited to submit a new version and one (1%)nwas still being reviewed. At the outset, we set ourselvesna target of informing authors of our initial decisionnwithin 12 weeks. Over the 11th year, the mean time wasn7.5 weeks. For the 27 papers published in volume 11,nthe mean length of time between submission andnacceptance (including time to revise the manuscript)nwas 195 days (range 44–316), and between acceptancenand publication was 333 days (range 235–443). We arenendeavouring to reduce the latter. We thank all thenfollowing people who kindly agreed to review papersnfor us during our 11th year:



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