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Noncompliant Shipments of Dangerous Goods: Common Indicators That Should Tip Off Cargo Acceptance Personnel


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In recent discussions with dangerous goods transportation management personnel, participants addressed the most common reasons why recent shipments may have been refused by acceptances staff. Comments included: 1. Handwritten or improperly applied DG marking/labels-packages offered that have handwritten markings or labels on a package or labels or required marking partially obscured or improperly applied overlapping around a corner or appearing on two different surfaces of the package. A similar error is for required labels and markings (hazard label and cargo aircraft only label) not on the same side of the package. Both of the above cases illustrate that basic requirements are not being followed. This is an indication that if the outer marking and labeling are not correct that the inner packaging may also be suspect.
机译:最近与危险品运输管理人员的讨论,参与者讨论了最常见的原因,为什么最近的出货量可能被接受员工拒绝。 注释包括:1。手写或不正确应用的DG标记/标签包,其中包含手写标记或包装或标签上的标签或标签部分遮挡或不正确地应用于角落或出现在包装的两个不同表面上。 类似的错误是需要所需的标签和标记(危险标签和货物飞机的标签),而不是包装的同一侧。 上述两种情况说明了不遵循基本要求。 这表明如果外标和标签不正确,内部包装也可能是可疑的。



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