首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hazardous Materials >Modeling study on fate of micro/nano-plastics in micro/ nano-hydrodynamic flow of freshwater

Modeling study on fate of micro/nano-plastics in micro/ nano-hydrodynamic flow of freshwater


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As the risk of micro/nano-plastics (MPs/NPs) on marine ecosystems is reported, there is a growing interest in behaviors of MPs/NPs in freshwater. Thus, this study aims at developing a plastics fate model linked with a flocculation kinetics model, PsFM/FKM, to understand the vertical behaviors of MPs/NPs in freshwater. Based on the Population Balance approach, the model numerically predicts vertical transport (sedimentation, resuspension, and burial) and transformation (degradation and aggregation) in water and sediments. This study performed model simulations to validate model accuracy and precision as estimating temporal changes in MPs/ NPs concentration in water and sediments, based on the aggregation process to form homo-aggregates between plastics and hetero-aggregates between plastics and SS in water. It confirmed that a significant parameter of the aggregation was collision frequency in water and that attachment efficiency influenced the aggregation rate occurring in the collision. The model emphasized the importance of attachment efficiency with the size dependence and confirmed that the formed hetero-aggregates promoted the sedimentation process to settle down to the sediments. The model validity was demonstrated by comparing experiments and simulations for attachment efficiency. A further study improves the model and extends its applicability to various types of MPs/ NPs, SS, microalgae, and metal hydrate salts.
机译:由于报告了海洋生态系统上微/纳米塑料(MPS / NPS)的风险,因此对淡水中MPS / NPS的行为产生了越来越令人兴趣。因此,本研究旨在开发与絮凝动力学模型,PSFM / FKM相关的塑料命运模型,以了解淡水中MPS / NP的垂直行为。基于人口平衡方法,该模型在水和沉积物中数值上预测垂直运输(沉积,重悬,埋葬)和转化(降解和聚集)。该研究进行了模拟模拟,以验证模型准确性和精确度,因为基于塑料和沉积物中的MPS / NPS浓度的时间变化,基于聚集过程,形成塑料和SS在水中塑料和SS之间的塑料和异质聚集体之间的同源聚集体。它证实,聚集的显着参数在水中是碰撞频率,并且附着效率影响了碰撞中发生的聚集速率。该模型强调了附着效率与尺寸依赖性的重要性,并证实了形成的异质聚集体促进了沉降过程以沉降到沉积物中。通过比较附着效率的实验和模拟来证明模型有效性。进一步的研究改善了模型,并扩展了其对各种类型的MPS / NPS,SS,微藻和金属水合物盐的适用性。



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