首页> 外文期刊>Journal of great lakes research >Using conservation auctions informed by environmental performance models to reduce agricultural nutrient flows into Lake Erie

Using conservation auctions informed by environmental performance models to reduce agricultural nutrient flows into Lake Erie


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Cost-effectively mitigating agricultural nutrient export requires an understanding of the biophysical characteristics of cropland as well as the behavioral and economic factors that drive land management decisions. Conservation auctions informed by models that simulate environmental outcomes have the potential to allocate conservation payments cost-effectively by funding practices that provide high predicted environmental benefits per dollar spent. This research tested two forms of conservation auctions. First, experimental auctions were used to analyze farmer preferences for different types of financial incentives for voluntary conservation, including direct payments, insurance, tax credits, and stewardship certification benefits. Second, conservation auctions were conducted in two Ohio counties to evaluate performance under real-world conditions. Supporting both types of auctions, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) predicted reductions in phosphorus exported as a function of the type of conservation practice and farm location. Results of the experimental auctions showed direct payments and tax credits to be the most cost-effective incentives to mitigate phosphorus export. The real auctions yielded two important lessons: 1) participation was very low, due to perceived transaction costs of participation especially on rented fields and for group bids, and 2) the cost-effectiveness ranking of bids was highly sensitive to the parameters for soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations in the SWAT model. Future socio-economic research into payment for environmental services programs should seek cost-effective mechanisms with lower transaction costs for participants. Future biophysical research should strengthen our understanding of the factors governing soluble reactive phosphorus movement, so that models like SWAT can be more reliably parameterized. (C) 2016 International Association for Great Lakes Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
机译:具有成本效益的减轻农业养分出口需要了解耕地的生物物理特征以及驱动土地​​管理决策的行为和经济因素。通过模拟环境结果的模型进行的自然保护拍卖有可能通过资助实践来以成本效益的方式分配自然保护支出,这些实践提供了每美元所花费的高预期环境效益。这项研究测试了两种形式的自然保护拍卖。首先,使用实验性拍卖来分析农民对自愿保护的不同类型经济刺激措施的偏好,包括直接付款,保险,税收抵免和管理权证明利益。其次,在俄亥俄州的两个县进行了自然保护拍卖,以评估现实条件下的绩效。支持这两种类型的拍卖,土壤和水评估工具(SWAT)预测了磷出口量的减少取决于保护措施的类型和养殖场的位置。实验性拍卖的结果表明,直接付款和税收抵免是减轻磷出口的最具成本效益的激励措施。实际拍卖产生了两个重要的教训:1)由于参与的交易成本特别是在租用领域和团体投标中,由于参与的交易成本非常低,因此参与度很低; 2)投标的成本效益排名对可溶性反应性参数高度敏感特警模型中的磷浓度。未来有关环境服务计划付款的社会经济研究应寻求具有成本效益的机制,降低参与者的交易成本。未来的生物物理研究应加强我们对控制可溶性反应性磷运动的因素的理解,以便可以更可靠地对诸如SWAT之类的模型进行参数化。 (C)2016年国际大湖研究协会。由Elsevier B.V.发布。这是CC BY-NC-ND许可下的开放获取文章。



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