首页> 外文期刊>Journal of great lakes research >Diatom responses to 20th century shoreline development and climate warming in three embayments of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron

Diatom responses to 20th century shoreline development and climate warming in three embayments of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron


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We used high-resolution diatom-based paleolimnological techniques to assess the effects of shoreline development and recent climate warming on three large embayments of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron (two impacted and one minimally impacted by shoreline development). The sedimentary diatom assemblages recorded subtle shifts at the impacted sites (North and South Bays) as a result of the establishment of permanent settlements and recreational resorts around the turn of the 20th century. No turn-of-the-century changes were observed at the reference site (Tadenac Bay). The abrupt increase in epiphyticCocconeis placentulaand benthic fragilarioid taxa during the ~1950s at the shallower impact site (South Bay) was likely due to increased habitat provided by macrophytes. The increase in relative abundances of pennate (Asterionella formosaandFragilaria crotonensis) and/or small centric (Cyclotella ocellata,C. comensis, andC. gordonensis) planktonic diatoms across the three sites after the 1970s suggests that recent warming-mediated changes to thermal properties (and related effects) are driving biological changes in these embayments. These recent diatom compositional changes are consistent with similar trends reported across Ontario and the Laurentian Great Lakes, where warming and its effects on aquatic ecosystem processes often favor small-celled centric diatoms. Differences in the timing and nature of diatom responses to similar environmental stressors across the three embayments highlight the importance of understanding site-specific characteristics when interpreting changes in diatom assemblages in paleolimnological records from the Laurentian Great Lakes.
机译:我们使用了基于硅藻的高分辨率古湖泊学技术,评估了海岸线发展和近期气候变暖对休伦湖格鲁吉亚湾的三个大型污染区的影响(两个对海岸线的影响最小,一个对海岸线发展的影响最小)。由于在20世纪初左右建立了永久性定居点和休闲胜地,因此沉积硅藻组合在受灾地点(北湾和南湾)发生了细微的变化。在参考地点(塔德纳克湾)未观察到世纪之交的变化。大约1950年代,在较浅的撞击点(南湾),附生的拟球藻和底栖的脆弱类群突然增加,可能是由于大型植物提供的栖息地增加了。 1970年代后三个地点的戊二酸(Asterionella formosa和Fragilaria crotonensis)和/或小中性(Cyclotella ocellata,C。comensis和C. gordonensis)浮游硅藻的相对丰度增加,表明近期变暖介导的热学性质变化(和相关影响)正在推动这些诱捕区的生物学变化。这些最近的硅藻组成变化与安大略省和劳伦森大湖地区报道的类似趋势一致,那里的变暖及其对水生生态系统过程的影响通常有利于以小细胞为中心的硅藻。在三个方面中,硅藻对类似环境胁迫物的响应时间和性质的差异,突出了在解释劳伦​​山脉五大湖的古湖泊学记录中硅藻组合变化时,了解特定地点特征的重要性。



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