首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Global Optimization >Global Optimization of Higher Order Moments in Portfolio Selection

Global Optimization of Higher Order Moments in Portfolio Selection


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We discuss the global optimization of the higher order moments of a portfolio of financial assets. The proposed model is an extension of the celebrated mean variance model of Markowitz. Asset returns typically exhibit excess kurtosis and are often skewed. Moreover investors would prefer positive skewness and try to reduce kurtosis of their portfolio returns. Therefore the mean variance model (assuming either normally distributed returns or quadratic utility functions) might be too simplifying. The inclusion of higher order moments has therefore been proposed as a possible augmentation of the classical model in order to make it more widely applicable. The resulting problem is non-convex, large scale, and highly relevant in financial optimization. We discuss the solution of the model using two stochastic algorithms. The first algorithm is Differential Evolution (DE). DE is a population based metaheuristic originally designed for continuous optimization problems. New solutions are generated by combining up to four existing solutions plus noise, and acceptance is based on evolutionary principles. The second algorithm is based on the asymptotic behavior of a suitably defined Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE). The SDE consists of three terms. The first term tries to reduce the value of the objective function, the second enforces feasibility of the iterates, while the third adds noise in order to enable the trajectory to climb hills.
机译:我们讨论金融资产组合的高阶矩的全局优化。所提出的模型是著名的Markowitz平均方差模型的扩展。资产收益率通常表现出过高的峰度,并且经常出现偏差。此外,投资者倾向于偏正,并尝试减少其投资组合收益的峰度。因此,均方差模型(假设正态分布的收益或二次效用函数)可能过于简化。因此,已提出包括更高阶矩作为经典模型的可能扩充,以便使其更广泛地适用。由此产生的问题是非凸性的,大规模的,并且与财务优化高度相关。我们讨论使用两种随机算法的模型解决方案。第一种算法是差分进化(DE)。 DE是基于人口的元启发式方法,最初是针对连续优化问题而设计的。新解决方案是通过组合多达四个现有解决方案以及噪声来产生的,并且接受是基于进化原理的。第二种算法基于适当定义的随机微分方程(SDE)的渐近行为。 SDE由三个术语组成。第一项试图减小目标函数的值,第二项则增强了迭代的可行性,而第三项则增加了噪声以使轨迹能够爬坡。



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