首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Global Optimization >Fenchel decomposition for stochastic mixed-integer programming

Fenchel decomposition for stochastic mixed-integer programming


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This paper introduces a new cutting plane method for two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programming (SMIP) called Fenchel decomposition (FD). FD uses a class of valid inequalities termed, FD cuts, which are derived based on Fenchel cutting planes from integer programming. First, we derive FD cuts based on both the first and second-stage variables, and devise an FD algorithm for SMIP and establish finite convergence for binary first-stage. Second, we derive FD cuts based on the second-stage variables only and use an idea from disjunctive programming to lift the cuts to the higher dimension space including the first-stage variables. We then devise an alternative algorithm (FD-L algorithm) based on the lifted FD cuts. Finally, we report on computational results based on several test instances from the literature involving the special structure of knapsack problems with nonnegative left-hand side coefficients. The results are promising and show that both algorithms can outperform a standard direct solver and a disjunctive decomposition algorithm on large-scale instances. Furthermore, the FD-L algorithm provides better performance than the FD algorithm in general. Since Fenchel cuts can be computationally expensive in general and are best suited for problems with special structure, both algorithms exploit the special structure of the test instances by reducing the size of the cut generation problems based on the number of nonzero components in the non-integer solution that needs to be cut off.
机译:本文介绍了一种用于两阶段随机混合整数规划(SMIP)的新割平面方法,称为Fenchel分解(FD)。 FD使用称为FD割的一类有效不等式,它是根据整数编程的Fenchel割平面得出的。首先,我们基于第一阶段和第二阶段变量导出FD割,并设计出SMIP的FD算法并为二进制第一阶段建立有限收敛。其次,我们仅基于第二阶段变量导出FD切口,并使用析取编程中的思想将切口提升到包括第一阶段变量的更高维度的空间。然后,我们根据提升的FD切口设计替代算法(FD-L算法)。最后,我们基于一些测试实例报告了计算结果,这些实例来自具有非负左侧系数的背包问题的特殊结构的文献。结果是有希望的,并且表明这两种算法在大规模实例上都可以胜过标准的直接求解器和析取分解算法。此外,FD-L算法通常提供比FD算法更好的性能。由于Fenchel割一般来说在计算上可能很昂贵,并且最适合于具有特殊结构的问题,因此两种算法都通过基于非整数中非零分量的数目减小割生成问题的大小来利用测试实例的特殊结构。需要切断的解决方案。



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