首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Geological Society >Separation of Palaeogene and Neogene uplift on Nuussuaq, West Greenland

Separation of Palaeogene and Neogene uplift on Nuussuaq, West Greenland


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The geological record exposed on Nuussuaq, central West Greenland, shows that uplift in the Palaeocene, probably caused by impact of the Iceland plume head, was followed by kilometre-scale subsidence. Analysis of apatite fission-track and vitrinite-reflectance data from borehole samples down to 3 km depth reveals that the samples cooled from maximum palaeotemperatures between 40 and 30 Ma followed by two further cooling episodes beginning in the intervals 11–10 and 7–2 Ma. When the first cooling episode began, the samples from the neighbouring Gro-3 and Gane-1 boreholes were buried 1500–2000 m deeper than at the present day, and the palaeogeothermal gradient was 40–48 °C km–1. It is not clear whether this cooling involved exhumation or if it was due solely to reduction in heat flow and a drop in surface temperature. The two later episodes definitely involved exhumation because by then the palaeogeothermal gradient had declined to a value close to the assumed present value of 30 °C km–1, which agrees with estimates from offshore wells. The most recent cooling episode corresponds to the incision of the present-day relief (c. 1100 m) below the summits around the two boreholes. We conclude that the present-day high mountains of West Greenland were not uplifted during the Palaeogene, but are erosional remnants of a landmass uplifted during the Neogene.
机译:在西格陵兰中部Nuussuaq上暴露的地质记录 显示,古新世的隆起可能是由冰岛羽状流头的撞击 引起的,其后是千米规模的沉陷。 对深至3 km的钻孔样品的磷灰石裂变径迹和镜质反射率 数据的分析表明, 样品是从40℃之间的最高古温度冷却而来的和 30 Ma,随后在 间隔11–10和7–2 Ma中开始了两次进一步的降温。当第一次冷却 开始时,相邻的Gro-3和Gane-1 钻孔的样品比当前的埋深了1500-2000 m。 sup> day,古地热梯度为40–48°C km –1 。目前尚不清楚这种冷却是否涉及发掘 ,或者仅仅是由于热流减少和表面温度下降 所致。后来的两个事件肯定涉及 发掘,因为那时古地热梯度已经 下降到接近假定的当前值30 °C km的值 –1 ,与来自海上 井的估算值一致。最近的降温情节对应于两个井眼周围 的山顶以下的当前浮雕(约1100 m)的切口 。我们得出的结论是,西格陵兰岛的现今高山 在古近纪期间并未隆起,但 是新近纪期间隆起的陆块的侵蚀性残留物。



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