首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Geological Society of India >Geniculate coralline algae from the Neogene-Quaternary sediments in and around Porbandar, southwest coast of India

Geniculate coralline algae from the Neogene-Quaternary sediments in and around Porbandar, southwest coast of India


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The present paper documents nine geniculate coralline algal species, namely Arthrocardia cretacica, Calliarthron antiquum, Corallina hayasaki, C. marshallensis, C. prisca, C. typica, Jania mengaudi, J. sripadaraoi and J. vetus from Neogene-Quaternary sediments of Porbandar area, Saurahtra, Gujarat. Out of nine species, six species namely Arthrocardia cretacica, Calliarthron antiquum, Corallina hayasaki, C. marshallensis, C. prisca and C. typica occur in the Dwarka Formation (lower-middle Miocene), one species Jania sripadaraoi occurs in the Adatiana Member of the Miliolite Formation (early middle-late Pleistocene) and two species namely, Jania mengaudi and J. vetus occur in the Porbandar Calcarenite Member of the Chaya Formation (late Pleistocene-late Holocene). These species indicate that the Dwarka Formation and the Adatiana Member of the Miliolite Formation were deposited in tropical marine environment with moderate to low energy conditions at depths ranging from intertidal to 60 m, and that the Porbandar Calcarenite Member of the Chaya Formation was deposited in a tropical marine environment under moderate to low energy conditions at depths ranging from 40 m to 60 m.
机译:本文记录了9种膝状藻类藻类物种,即白蚁节肢动物,Calliarthron antiquum,Corallina hayasaki,C.marshallensis,C.prisca,C.typica,Jania mengaudi,J.sripadaraoi和J.vetus,它们来自新近纪-波班达地区的第四纪沉积物。 ,索拉,古吉拉特邦。在9种中,有6种是白术节肢动物,Calliarthron antiquum,Corallina hayasaki,C.marshallensis,C。prisca和C. typica发生在Dwarka组(中-中中新世)中,一种Jania sripadaraoi发生在Adatiana成员中芦粟岩组(早中晚更新世)和两个亚种,即Jania mengaudi和J. vetus出现在Chaya组的Porbandar钙铁矿成员中(晚更新世至晚全新世)。这些物种表明Dwarka组和Miliolite组的Adatiana成员沉积在热带海洋环境中,能量条件中等至低,介于潮间带至60 m的深度,而Chaya组的Porbandar钙钾长石成员沉积在一个海中。在40m至60m深度的中低能量条件下的热带海洋环境。



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