首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery >Modified Technique of Pancreaticogastrostomy for Soft Pancreas with Two Continuous Hemstitch Sutures: A Single-Center Prospective Study

Modified Technique of Pancreaticogastrostomy for Soft Pancreas with Two Continuous Hemstitch Sutures: A Single-Center Prospective Study


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Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) remains a persistent problem after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), especially in the presence of a soft, nonfibrotic pancreas. To reduce the risk of POPF, pancreaticogastrostomy (PG) is an optional reconstruction technique for surgeons after PD. This study presents a new technique of PG for a soft, nonfibrotic pancreas with double-binding continuous hemstitch sutures and evaluates its safety and reliability. From January 2011 to June 2012, 92 cases of patients with periampullary malignancy with a soft pancreas underwent this technique. A modified technique of PG was performed with two continuous hemstitch sutures placed in the mucosal and seromuscular layers of the posterior gastric wall, respectively. Then the morbidity and mortality was calculated. This technique was applied in 92 patients after PD all with soft pancreas. The median time for the anastomosis was 12min (range, 8–24). Operative mortality was zero, and morbidity was 16.3% (n = 15), including hemorrhage (n = 2), biliary fistula (n = 2), pulmonary infection (n = 1), delayed gastric emptying (DGE; n = 5, 5.4%), abdominal abscess (n = 3, one caused by PF), and POPF (n = 2, 2.2%). Two patients developed a pancreatic fistula (one type A and one type B) classified according to the International Study Group on Pancreatic Fistula. The described technique is a simple and safe reconstruction procedure after PD, especially for patients with a soft and fragile pancreas.
机译:胰十二指肠切除术(PD)后,尤其是在存在柔软的非纤维化胰腺的情况下,术后胰瘘(POPF)仍然是一个持续存在的问题。为了降低POPF的风险,胰胃造瘘术(PG)是PD术后外科医生的可选重建技术。这项研究提出了一种PG的新技术,该技术可用于软性,非纤维化的胰腺,具有双重结合的连续性缝合线缝合,并评估了其安全性和可靠性。 2011年1月至2012年6月,对92例壶腹周围恶性肿瘤伴软胰腺的患者进行了这项技术。 PG的改良技术是分别在胃后壁的粘膜层和血清肌层分别放置两个连续的半缝缝合线。然后计算发病率和死亡率。该技术在92例PD后全部患有软胰腺的患者中应用。吻合术的中位时间为12分钟(范围8-24)。手术死亡率为零,发病率为16.3%(n = 15),包括出血(n = 2),胆道瘘(n = 2),肺部感染(n = 1),胃排空延迟(DGE; n = 5, 5.4%),腹部脓肿(n = 3,由PF引起)和POPF(n = 2,2.2%)。根据国际胰瘘研究组,两名患者出现了胰腺瘘(一种A型和一种B型)。所描述的技术是PD后的一种简单且安全的重建程序,特别是对于胰腺软而脆弱的患者。



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