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'She's a soldier, not a model': Feminism, FemShep and the Mass Effect 3 vote


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In the summer of 2011, Bioware held a Facebook vote to determine the 'official' face of Mass Effect 3's female Commander Shepard, who was then to be featured in a game trailer and on the box art. It was presumably a feminist step forward for the Mass Effect franchise, which, although it allows gamers to play as either male or female, had always showcased a male Shepard in its advertisements and other marketing materials. The resulting 'FemShep' vote, however, created controversy in the gamer community. This article considers how FemShep's distaff status affects her gender positioning, and further incorporates online articles and fan comments in arguing that Bioware's vote positioned Shepard primarily (and predictably) as a sexual object for the pleasure of a straight male audience, thus corrupting Shepard's already fragile status as a feminist lead.
机译:2011年夏天,Bioware举行了Facebook投票,确定了Mass Effect 3的女指挥官Shepard的“正式”面孔,然后将她登上游戏预告片和盒子艺术品。 “质量效应”(Mass Effect)特许经营大概是女权主义的进步,尽管它允许游戏玩家以男性或女性玩耍,但在广告和其他营销材料中始终展示了男性谢泼德(Shepard)。然而,最终的“ FemShep”投票在游戏玩家社区引起了争议。本文考虑了FemShep的外派身份如何影响她的性别定位,并进一步结合了在线文章和支持者评论,认为Bioware的投票主要(并且可以预见地)将Shepard定位为性对象,以吸引直男观众,从而破坏了Shepard已经脆弱的人群作为女权主义领袖的地位。



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